Experience and Techniques
in Non-linear Architecture


ETFE (Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene) film is durable, highly transparent and very lightweight compared to glass structures. ETFE is recognized as the material of choice for traditional skylight applications on long span structures and building facades. When you want a building design that is different from conventional building systems, few building materials can match ETFE in terms of impact or presence.

  • Single Layer Application

It can be applied in a single-layer form. To maintain the shape and stability of the design, the rope in the system is reinforced with mild steel and aluminum materials.

  • Double or Triple Layer Application

In a double or triple layer application, the ETFE film forms a pneumatic system to trap air between 2 or 3 layers of film supported by a lightweight structure attached to aluminum extrusions and forming inflated cushions. These cushions are filled with low pressure air, providing thermal insulation and structural stability against wind or snow loads. If necessary, thin ropes can be used for reinforcement. Under typical loading conditions, ETFE cushions can range from 5 to 15 feet in width and reach up to 200 feet in length.

ETFE Material Suppliers:

 We source raw materials from the best membrane manufacturers in the world to ensure quality for our customers.

  • Nowofol
  • Pati



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